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A ray of sunlight trickles through the clouds,

A stale drop of water falls from a leaf.

The sound of singing is not allowed,

And the slight breeze is my only relief.


My dirty bare feet sink into the mud,

Covered in sores and bruised all over.

Some around me have hands caked in dry blood,

But no one dares to look in the eyes of the owner.


Rows and rows of hard working children,

Make the rhythm of hacking go on.

Once had big dreams but now futures are barren, 

And now are slaves working every day, every dawn.


The rebels are shot down by old pistol anger,

And warn the rest that there’s no room for misbehaving. 

We beg for food without a good answer,

Which follows with beating to make sure we are behaving.


But we all have hope that one day,

This cruel way will be put to a stop.

Maybe the sky will be blue or maybe gray,

And we will be free of tending the crop.


A ray of sunlight trickles through the clouds,

A teardrop of water falls from a leaf.

The sound of singing is not allowed,

But my dreams give me a sense of relief.

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